101 Data for Marketing Firms

Always in need of good business lists?
Generate them yourself with 101 Data and never buy data again!

As simple as:

1) License 101 Data (one-off fee)
2) Hook up your own Google Maps API, Hunter.io API keys (don't worry we can show you how)
3) Generate any list for any keyword in any location, even on state level
4) No limits, you can generate 1000+ lists with social, email, phones, addresses in one go
5) Fuel your marketing campaign with trusted data

If you are a marketing firm, you need good data to fuel your campaigns. Often, finding good business or email lists is only thought of at the end of the project. At the same time, getting good data from data vendors can be expensive and time-consuming. However, there are cost-effective and efficient ways to obtain high-quality data without breaking the bank. One such option is leveraging the power of web scraping. By utilizing web scraping tools, you can easily extract relevant and up-to-date data from various websites, saving you both time and money. Additionally, by customizing your scraping parameters, you can ensure that the extracted data aligns with your specific requirements. So, why waste resources on expensive data vendors when you can harness the power of web scraping to fuel your marketing campaigns?

Enter 101 Data – a service that allows you to bring data collection in-house for a one-off fee. With this service, you have complete control over the data you use for your marketing campaigns while saving time and money. It enables you to target specific industries, locations, or job titles to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

By connecting your Google API keys, you can generate thousands of business lists instantly. If you’re a marketing firm seeking good data to fuel your campaigns, consider leveraging web scraping tools. These tools allow you to extract relevant and up-to-date data from various websites, saving resources and customizing the data according to your specific requirements. Don’t waste time and money on expensive data vendors when you can harness the power of web scraping to enhance your marketing efforts.

Just hook up your Google API keys, and you’re off, generating thousands of records per pull.

With 101 Data, you can say goodbye to the hassle of relying on expensive data vendors or spending hours searching for the right business lists. By bringing this service in-house, you gain control and efficiency in your data acquisition process. With just your Google API keys, you can effortlessly generate a vast number of records with each pull. This not only saves you time but also ensures that your marketing campaigns are powered by accurate and up-to-date information.


101 Data Search

How does it work?

Depending on the type of business you are targeting, you can use the right keyword to search for it. For example, if you specialize in web design for medical offices, you can search for “medical offices” in a specific area.

We use APIs like Google Maps and Places, which return around 60 records. It’s best to search in smaller areas and adjust the radius to control the range.

Let’s take our web designer as an example. They could search for medical providers around Los Angeles within a default range of 50 miles.

In terms of research, we can pull hundreds and thousands of records at once. When using 101 Data, you’ll be able to retrieve all good business records with various available fields such as title (name of the business), phone number, email, address, website, Google business listing link, social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), last five reviews, average rating from Google reviews, and AI outreach capabilities.

It’s important to note that about 20 to 30% of the returned records will have emails. However, with the premium version, users can select any record to enrich it. 101 Data will then use several APIs to find one or more email addresses for the selected business. Please keep in mind that there is still a chance that no emails can be found.


How can you bring it in-house?

It’s simple, you pay for the license once, and then you can either:

1) Have 101 Data host the platform for you, just pick a domain name

2) Get all the files and set it up internally yourself

In both cases, you pay nothing but the one-off license fee. You will need a Google Account and API key, a Hunter.io account and API key, and optionally an OpenAPI account and API key.

Interested in bringing 101 data internal so you never have to buy a business list again? Contact us via the below form.